Reduce Client Churn

Caring for digital development clients can be difficult as most of the effort is expended during the development and launch phases of a project. A year down the line, the development team has moved on and customer satisfaction is driven by the support an agency can offer. It is difficult to continue to demonstrate innovation and continual development. This leaves the client vulnerable to approach by a competitor, and that vulnerability increases as each year passes.

How This Affects You

Once a client project is launched and in a steady state the client touch points you have are typically:

  • Responding effectively to customer support problems
  • Demonstrating what you've done on more recent client projects
  • Proposing upgrades to their system

All of these have a negative context, either problem based, or showing the client what they haven't got. When the relationship extends into years, staff may change at both parties, which makes the value you originally delivered in the project very remote.

This is the main reason why so many clients change agency when they re-develop their website.

Solution Details

When you develop client projects on the i-ntarsia platform the following touch points are created for you to take advantage of:

  • Multi-service Access Portal (MAP) feature development
  • MAP messaging center
  • I-ntarsia profile updates (new standard modules delivering features to all of your clients)
  • Regular application version updates
  • Regular operating system updates
  • Security updates
  • Version end-of-life with upgrade path

These are created because we are constantly developing and improving the platform. When we release any update to the platform we communicate this to you in a way that makes it easy for you to re-purpose for communication to your clients. All of these are positive touch points for you with little effort or distraction on your part.

Regular, positive interaction with your steady state clients, makes them far less likely to look elsewhere when they decide to redevelop.



OK Reduced Client Churn: Develop long term revenue streams from happy clients